Classes & Exams
At this time, we are only booking private classes for you and your employees at your establishment.
Class & Exam
Our full day class covers in-depth the most relevant food safety information. At the end of the day participants of the class will sit for the Certified Food Protection Manager (ServSafe, etc.) exam. Please see below for exam options - you must select either print or online when registering.
For the best chance of passing your CFPM exam, we recommend studying in preparation for the class. This class option includes downloadable study materials, practice questions, and information about taking the exam. Additional study materials can be purchased here.
$185 / person
Book a private class with 5 or more people and we come to you at the same price as our in-office classes! Have more than 10 people? We offer a discount for groups larger than 10 people.
Exam Only
Does your group just need to take the exam?
Book us for exam proctoring only. Exam sessions start at $300 plus a per person fee.
Exam Options
This exam must be proctored in person. You will be notified of your exam results by email within 7-10
business days.
This exam must be proctored in person. You will be notified of your exam results upon completion
and our staff will be able to print your certificate at the time of your appointment.
You must bring your own laptop or tablet.